Why we love winter in Norway!

Northern Lights close to Malangen by Malangen Resort

Sometimes people ask how we Norwegians cope with the long and dark winters? When asked, there is often no immediate answer, but I guess we are simply fascinated by the ever-changing light and weather conditions.

Summer is the complete opposite of the dark winter months. In some parts of the country there is actually daylight 24/7! We therefore try to make up for the long dark winter months by staying outside as much as we can. Spending time in the mountains, exercising or just meeting friends at an outdoor café. I guess we are trying to soak up as much sunlight as possible in order to save the light and warmth until next spring.

Rauland by CH, www.visitnorway.com

Cozy winter time

Winter Light by Anne Olsen Ryum, Nordnorsk Reiseliv

Arctic Coast in winter

Coziness and Northern Lights

I personally like the contrast between summer and winter a lot! Summer means spending time outside, while winter means spending more time with family and friends, playing board games, lighting candles, reading books… basically to have it “koselig” (cozy) as we Norwegians say.

However, winter in Norway does not just mean darkness and cold! There is daylight and sunshine in the southern parts of Norway, even in winter. Up north, there is a beautiful arctic twilight in the middle of the day and in the evenings, you can see the amazing Northern LightsNorthern Lights are visible between October and March when the sky is clear, depending on the Northern Lights activity.  The Arctic parts of Norway are best to see the lights.  From time to time the  Northern Lights are visible as far south as Trondheim, and on rare occasions they might even show up in Oslo or Bergen.

Winter Cruise on Naeroyfjord by Sverre Hjornevik, Flam AS

Winter fjord cruise on UNESCO Naeroyfjord

Snowman by Franziska Schwarzlmüller, Fjord Travel Norway


Winter in Fjord Norway

Winter time is actually a very good time to travel to Norway – and not just to Northern Norway. Winter in Fjord Norway will provide you with magic lights (sometimes even Northern Lights if you are very, very lucky) and a milder climate, while the mountain crossings in the southern parts will offer snow, crisp air, exciting winter activities and the warm hospitality of the people living here. If you would like to travel the fjords outside the peak season, you will have many of the places to yourself!

So what are you waiting for? Get ready for your winter adventure in Norway. And when you come to Norway follow this simple saying, which helps us Norwegians to keep up the spirit – despite sometimes terrible weather conditions:

“Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær” =
“There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing”

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What our customers say:

  • On behalf of the group I would like to thank you and your colleagues for organizing our wonderful tour of Norway. Everything went very well including the weather, which was spectacular. We enjoyed all the hotels, the central locations you chose and the amenities, especially the lavish breakfasts. Three extra days in Oslo allowed us to tour the city at our leisure and to enjoy more of the important sights including the newly opened National Museum. The Norway in a Nutshell tour was amazing and made much easier by using your recommended porterage service between hotels in Oslo and Bergen. Both the train journeys and the boat trip were spectacular, and combined with a night in the beautiful Kviknes Hotel made for an unforgettable two days. We were very impressed by the Hurtigruten cruise, particularly the way they combined a working ship with a cruise ship, the comfortable accommodations, the food and service. It was fascinating to visit all the various ports, islands and fjords and the two included tours were excellent and informative. In the end we were glad to have the extra night in Kirkenes, to visit their lovely museum and take a trip to the Russian border. It was a good way to end the tour. Again, thank for staying with us through 2 years of pandemic postponements and changes. We certainly will recommend Fjord Travel in the future.

    Marilyn, United States

  • I wanted to thank everybody. We had a wonderful trip. Everything went well and fortunately we had the chance to see the lights while on the cruise. All my friends in Turkey would like to go on a similar trip. So I will be in touch with you. Thanks again and best wishes to all of you.

    Candan, Turkey

  • Thank you for assisting us with our trip to Norway. We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Kirkenes and the Snow Hotel. The arrangements you made for us were perfect. The lodging was comfortable and the excursions were fun. Tom and I rarely use the services of a travel company when we travel; you enriched our trip and made the planning easy.

    Alison, United States